Jumping In An Elevator
Welcome to Jumping In An Elevator! A podcast where I, Mike from the most popular Youtube channel in the world (Mike's Mic), answer the questions that you want to know the answer to but can't be bothered searching yourself. What happens when you jump in an elevator? Did Taylor Swift travel in a suitcase? Let's find out!
Jumping In An Elevator
Ep 55: My hateritis is flaring up
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This week my hateritis flared up so I thought I'd talk you through who and what are annoying me, including flopstagram and floppedin (amongst other things - nothing is safe). I then turn my sights towards people posting relationship updates on facebook and posing next to their newly purchased homes with the address visible - oh you went to auction??? Babe WE went to auction. I've also stopped congratulating people on milestones due to my sayanythingitis causing me to comment on the diamante jubilee in the previous episode and then the queen died the next day. Woops