Jumping In An Elevator
Welcome to Jumping In An Elevator! A podcast where I, Mike from the most popular Youtube channel in the world (Mike's Mic), answer the questions that you want to know the answer to but can't be bothered searching yourself. What happens when you jump in an elevator? Did Taylor Swift travel in a suitcase? Let's find out!
Jumping In An Elevator
Ep 61: Checking in on the charts.... hmmm.....
There needs to be a federal inquiry into the Billboard charts girls.... what is going on.... After perusing some of the Billboard charts (SOME not ALL because I am not paying $14 a month to look at an emerging artist chart girl please) I also have a look at the MOST important chart of all - my personal streamings statistics of the last 30 days xx
This episode also includes topics such as: my vitamin C consumption era, poorly disclosed ads, streaming artists vs playlist artists and saurrrr much more